How Do The Amazon Leadership Principles Work? [Feb 2024]

Feature, Symbol of leadership and strategic thinking, representing the core of Amazon Leadership Principles.

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The Amazon Leadership Principles are not mere corporate buzzwords. They are the foundational pillars that have shaped the company’s culture and contributed to its remarkable success. These principles have had tangible effects, sparking transformative events within the organization and the broader e-commerce industry.

One such transformative event was the creation of Amazon Prime. This revolutionary move, driven by the principle of ‘Customer Obsession,’ has fundamentally altered how businesses approach customer service. Amazon’s commitment to continually raising the bar led to this service offering fast, free shipping and other benefits. Today, Amazon Prime sets the standard in customer service for its competitors.

In contrast, some companies have faltered due to needing robust leadership principles. For instance, Blockbuster’s inability to adapt and innovate in response to changing customer preferences and technology led to its downfall. This stark contrast underscores the importance of principles like ‘Embrace and Drive Change’, a key tenet of Amazon’s Leadership Principles.

Fourteen principles, including ‘Ownership’, ‘Bias for Action’, and ‘Think Big’, are deeply embedded within Amazon’s culture, informing everything from hiring decisions to strategic initiatives.

Recently, Amazon added two new leadership principles – “Strive to be Earth’s Best Employer” and “Success and Scale Bring Broad Responsibility.” These additions highlight Amazon’s evolving ethos, emphasizing its commitment to employee welfare, customer trust and broader societal responsibilities (targeting local communities).

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into these principles and explore their significant impact on Amazon’s team dynamics, company culture, and overall business success. We will also discuss how these principles foster innovation, guide decision-making and risk-taking, and drive exceptional results.

Comparative Analysis: Amazon’s Leadership Principles vs. Other Tech Giants

Balance scale symbolizing the comparative analysis of Amazon's Leadership Principles with other tech giants.

Amazon’s Leadership Principles have been crucial in driving the company’s success. However, let’s take a moment to compare them with the guiding principles of other tech giants.

For example, Google, known for its innovative culture, believes in “Focus on the user, and all else will follow.” Similarly, Amazon’s ‘Customer Obsession’ philosophy emphasizes understanding and serving user needs. While Google focuses primarily on products, Amazon’s approach encompasses the entire customer experience.

In contrast, Apple values design and simplicity, influenced by Steve Jobs’s view that “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” While both Apple and Amazon embrace the ‘Invent and Simplify’ principle, Apple emphasizes aesthetics and user interface more, while Amazon prioritizes practicality and functionality.

Microsoft’s mission of empowering every person and organization to achieve more aligns with Amazon’s ‘Think Big’ principle regarding ambition and scale. However, Microsoft focuses on making technology accessible to all, while Amazon aims to lead and revolutionize markets.

These comparisons highlight the special combination of customer focus, innovation, accountability, and big-picture thinking that distinguishes Amazon‘s Leadership Principles. They embody the unique values and strategic vision that have guided Amazon’s groundbreaking journey in the e-commerce industry.

In the upcoming sections, we will thoroughly explore Amazon’s Leadership Principles. By doing so, you will better understand their significant impact and relevance in today’s ever-changing business world. 

This comparative analysis will offer a broader industry perspective from the beginning, setting the stage for a comprehensive exploration of Amazon’s Leadership Principles.

16 Amazon Leadership Principles Explained:

Roadmap symbolizing the detailed exploration of Amazon's 16 Leadership Principles

Amazon’s Leadership Principles are more than just ideals. They guide every decision and innovation at the company. Let’s explore each principle, focusing on ‘Customer Obsession’, ‘Ownership’, ‘Dive Deep’, ‘Bias for Action’, and the recently added ‘Strive to be Earth’s Best Employer’.

Customer Obsession

Customer service representative symbolizing Amazon's principle of Customer Obsession.

‘Customer Obsession’ is the first and arguably the most significant of Amazon’s leadership principles. At the heart of Amazon’s mission is the drive to serve customers, putting their needs and satisfaction at the forefront of every strategic decision.

“Start with the customer and work backwards” is the foundational belief at Amazon, ensuring that customer needs are always the driving force behind every decision. The innovative launch of Amazon Prime exemplifies this principle. By recognizing the customer’s need for faster delivery and a more seamless shopping experience, Amazon revolutionized e-commerce and set a new standard for customer service.


Hands holding keys to a model house, symbolizing the principle of Ownership at Amazon.

The principle of ‘Ownership’ encourages employees to act on behalf of the entire company, not just their teams or roles. This principle has helped Amazon build a culture where everyone is invested in the company’s success. For example, offering employees stock options aligns their interests with the company’s, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment.

Dive Deep

Magnifying glass over a document, symbolizing the principle of Dive Deep at Amazon.

‘Dive Deep ‘ principle emphasizes the importance of Amazon’s leaders paying attention to the minutiae. It helps dive deep leaders operate to care for those small details that often make the biggest difference in achieving excellence. This mindset drove Amazon to develop its high-capacity storage systems when existing options fell short, resulting in the creation of Amazon Web Services (AWS), now a multi-billion dollar business

Bias for Action

Person running, symbolizing Amazon's principle of Bias for Action

‘Bias for Action’ emphasizes making decisions quickly, even when all information is unavailable. This principle has enabled Amazon to deliver high quality products and stay ahead of its competitors by swiftly adapting to market changes and customer needs. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Amazon quickly shifted its focus to providing PPE and essential goods.

Strive to be Earth’s Best Employer

Happy diverse team, representing Amazon's goal to be Earth's Best Employer.

One of Amazon’s latest additions, ‘Strive to be Earth’s Best Employer’, demonstrates the company’s commitment to the well-being of its employees. To uphold this principle, Amazon has implemented various initiatives, including raising the minimum wage and investing in employee training programs. This principle is about more than just workplace satisfaction; it’s about investing in employees’ personal success, ensuring they grow along with the company.

Success and Scale Bring Broad Responsibility

the Earth, symbolizing Amazon's principle of Broad Responsibility.

In another addition, ‘Success and Scale Bring Broad Responsibility’, Amazon highlights its societal obligations due to its size and influence. This is evident in Amazon’s commitment to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2040, a decade ahead of the Paris Agreement’s target.

The following sections will explore how these principles have shaped Amazon’s culture and contributed to its success.

Beyond the Individual: Team and Company Impact

Team huddle, representing the impact of Amazon's Leadership Principles beyond the individual.

Amazon’s Leadership Principles go beyond individual roles (or just their own team) and profoundly impact team dynamics and the overall shape of the company. They promote a culture of broad responsibility and deep leadership, urging leaders and fellow employees to consider the wider effects of their actions.

Broad Responsibility

a global map, symbolizing the principle of Broad Responsibility at Amazon.

‘Broad Responsibility’ is a fundamental part of Amazon’s leadership principles. It is particularly emphasized in the newly added principle, ‘Success and Scale Bring Broad Responsibility’. This principle highlights that Amazon’s actions, given its size and influence, have significant implications1.

For instance, Amazon’s Climate Pledge, which commits the company to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040, demonstrates this sense of broad responsibility. It acknowledges the company’s environmental impact and dedication to future generations2.

Leadership Culture

A guiding light representing the deep leadership culture at Amazon

At Amazon, “Deep Leaders” are individuals who embody the Leadership Principles and apply them across the organization, going beyond own teams. These leaders pay attention and are expected to stay connected to the details while maintaining a broader perspective. They drive innovation within their department, understanding how their work impacts the customer experience and aligns with Amazon’s strategic goals.

Interactive Element: Reflecting on Your Values

Person reflecting, symbolizing the interactive element of reflecting on personal values.

As we explore Amazon’s Leadership Principles, it’s valuable to consider how these principles align with your values.

Self-Assessment Prompt: Take a moment to think about the discussed principles – ‘Customer Obsession’, ‘Ownership’, ‘Dive Deep’, ‘Bias for Action’, ‘Strive to be Earth’s Best Employer’, and ‘Success and Scale Bring Broad Responsibility’.

How do these resonate with your values and work ethic?

Are there aspects you’d like to adopt or strengthen?

Reflecting on these principles can provide insights into Amazon’s success and help you identify areas for personal growth and professional development.

Fostering Innovation and Excellence

Group of people brainstorming representing the fostering of innovation and excellence at Amazon.

Amazon’s Leadership Principles guide decision-making and foster a culture of innovation and excellence. Key principles like ‘Invent and Simplify’, ‘Seek Diverse Perspectives’, and ‘Learn and Be Curious’ are vital in this process.

Invent and Simplify

A man process mapping, symbolizing Amazon's principle of Invent and Simplify.

The ‘Invent and Simplify’ principle encourages employees to reduce complexity and create intuitive solutions. This principle is at the core of Amazon’s innovations, such as the Kindle and AWS, inspiring employees to challenge the status quo and invent for customers.

Seek Diverse Perspectives

Diverse team sharing ideas, representing the principle of Seeking Diverse Perspectives at Amazon.

‘Seek Diverse Perspectives’ and work to promote inclusivity and diversity of thought by fostering a culture where different viewpoints are heard and valued. Amazon acknowledges that diverse perspectives lead to better ideas and outcomes, as demonstrated by its various employee affinity groups and diversity initiatives.

Learn and Be Curious

Person reading a book, symbolizing the principle of Learn and Be Curious at Amazon

The principle of ‘Learn and Be Curious’ encourages Amazon employees to learn and improve continuously. Curious leaders at Amazon are never satisfied with the status quo; they constantly seek knowledge and challenge their own assumptions to drive innovation. This fosters a culture of lifelong learning, supported by programs like Amazon Career Choice that help employees pursue their educational goals.

Recognizing Exceptional Talent
Amazon’s leadership doesn’t just hire; they recognize exceptional talent and nurture it, ensuring that the company’s innovative spirit continues to thrive. They achieve this by setting high standards and allowing employees to think big and take risks. This approach has been instrumental in attracting and retaining top talent, contributing to Amazon’s ongoing success.

Hire and Develop the Best

Amazon’s Leadership Principles are deeply integrated into its hiring and employee development processes.

Amazon Hiring

During interviews, Amazon assesses candidates based on these principles, searching for individuals who have the necessary skills and exemplify the company’s values.

Employee Development

Similarly, in performance reviews and promotions, these principles provide a framework for evaluation. This ensures that employees who align with Amazon’s values and contribute to its culture of innovation and excellence are acknowledged and rewarded. By incorporating these principles into its people processes, Amazon ensures its workforce is aligned with its mission and ready to drive its ongoing success.

Navigating the Amazon Interview: Aligning with Leadership Principles

Person holding a compass, representing the navigation of Amazon's interview process

During the Amazon interview process, your grasp of the 16 Leadership Principles takes center stage. These principles are more than just a checklist; they define Amazon’s culture. This guide breaks down the behavioral interview questions, providing strategies and insights to showcase how your experiences and mindset align with each principle.

Decoding Amazon’s Behavioral Interview Questions

[Embed YouTube Video: “Amazon Leadership Principles and Sample Questions”]

Amazon designs interview questions to assess your alignment with their 16 Leadership Principles. Each question explores your professional competence and cultural fit with Amazon’s values.

Strategies to Answer Behavioral Interview Questions

  • Customer Obsession: “Tell me about a time you had to deal with a difficult customer.”
    Strategy: Showcase your ability to empathize with customers, understand their perspectives, and go the extra mile to ensure their satisfaction. This highlights your commitment to ‘Customer Obsession’.
  • Ownership: “Tell me about a tough situation during your project.”
    Strategy: Explain how you took complete responsibility, dealt with challenges, and ensured the project’s success, demonstrating your ownership mindset and long-term thinking.
  • Invent and Simplify: “A time you solved a problem?”
    Strategy: Share your innovative problem-solving approach and how you simplified the process, following the ‘Invent and Simplify’ principle.
  • Are Right, A Lot: “A time you had to decide with a lack of data.”
    Strategy: Describe how you used your judgment and instincts to make a decision. Also, explain how you sought diverse perspectives to validate your approach, aligning with the ‘Are Right, A Lot’ principle.
  • Learn and Be Curious: “A time you build out a process.”
    Strategy: Narrate how your curiosity and desire to learn drove you to create or improve a process, demonstrating ‘Learn and Be Curious.’
  • Hire and Develop the Best: “A time when you had a conflict with someone.”
    Strategy: Detail how you addressed the conflict and steps taken to develop and support the individual involved, demonstrating the commitment to ‘Hire and Develop the Best.’
  • Insist on the Highest Standards: “A time you had to sacrifice short-term for long-term.”
    Strategy: Explain how you prioritized long-term quality and excellence over short-term gains, reflecting the value of ‘Insist on the Highest Standards.’
  • Think Big: “Your greatest success?”
    Strategy: Share a significant achievement that required bold thinking and visionary planning, aligning with ‘Think Big.’
  • Bias for Action: “How have you convinced others to take action?”
    Strategy: Explain how you motivated and guided your team to take prompt, decisive action, showcasing a ‘Bias for Action.’
  • Frugality: “A time you turned down more resources to complete a process.”
    Strategy: Explain how you achieved more significant results with fewer resources, demonstrating resourcefulness and frugality.
  • Earn Trust: “An example of how you managed a conflict.”
    Strategy: Consider how you established trust by addressing the conflict with transparency, empathy, and respect, embodying the principle of ‘Earn Trust’.
  • Dive Deep: “The most complex project you worked on?”
    Strategy: Describe your hands-on involvement and attention to detail in managing the project, illustrating ‘Dive Deep.’
  • Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit: “A time you disagreed with your manager?”
    Strategy: Share how you respectfully challenged a decision and committed to the agreed-upon path, exemplifying the principle of ‘Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit.’
  • Deliver Results: “Describe a challenging product you managed.”
    Strategy: Share how you prioritized key inputs, overcame obstacles, and achieved outstanding outcomes in line with the ‘Deliver Results’ principle.
  • Strive to be Earth’s Best Employer: “A time you had to motivate a team after a demoralizing event?”
    Strategy: Describe how you led with empathy, inspired your team, and created a positive and inclusive environment, embodying the principle of ‘Strive to be Earth’s Best Employer.’
  • Success and Scale Bring Broad Responsibility: “A time you had a problem and how did you discover a real cause?”
    Strategy: Explain how you took on significant responsibility, considered the broader impact of your actions, and pursued sustainable solutions, embodying the principle of ‘Success and Scale Bring Broad Responsibility.’

Insights into Amazon’s Interview Philosophy

Amazon’s interview philosophy focuses on assessing competencies and how candidates embody the Leadership Principles in their professional conduct. The questions aim to uncover how candidates have applied these principles in real-life situations.

It is crucial to emphasize storytelling in your responses, clearly articulating what you did and how your actions align with Amazon’s Leadership Principles. Show your ability to reflect on experiences through these principles, showcasing a deep understanding and alignment with Amazon’s culture.

Decision-Making and Risk-Taking

Person at a crossroads, representing decision-making and risk-taking guided by Amazon's Leadership Principles.

Amazon’s decision-making and risk-taking approach is guided by its Leadership Principles. These principles, including ‘Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit’, ‘Bias for Action’, and the implicit value of ‘Calculated Risk-Taking’, hold substantial importance.

Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit

‘Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit’ encourages leaders at Amazon to respectfully challenge decisions when they disagree, embodying the principle that “leaders are right a lot”. However, once a decision is made, they fully commit to its execution. A good example of this principle in action is when Amazon decided to launch the Fire Phone. Despite internal disagreement, the team committed to its development and launch.

Bias for Action

‘Bias for Action’ is a fundamental principle that guides Amazon’s decision-making. It emphasizes the importance of speed in business and recognizes that many decisions and actions can be reversed without extensive study. This principle played a crucial role in the early days of AWS, where rapid decision-making and iterative development were necessary to keep up with the fast-paced cloud technology market.

Calculated Risk-Taking

Although not explicitly listed among the 16 Leadership Principles, ‘Calculated Risk-Taking’ is deeply ingrained in Amazon’s culture. Jeff Bezos has consistently stressed the significance of taking risks for innovation and growth. The creation of Amazon Prime, which was a considerable risk given its logistical and financial implications, is as a testament to this philosophy.

Voices from Amazon: Principles in Practice

To grasp how these principles impact actual decisions at Amazon, let’s delve into insights shared by Amazon leaders and employees.

Liz Jones on ‘Disagree and Commit’

Liz Jones, an Amazon Bar Raiser, emphasizes the importance of the ‘Disagree and Commit’ principle in her work at Amazon. According to her, it’s not about being confrontational but rather ensuring the best decisions for customers. Full commitment is expected once a decision is made, even if there is initial disagreement.

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos on ‘Bias for Action’ and ‘Calculated Risk-Taking’

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, has emphasized the significance of making quick decisions and embracing risks. He once stated, “Many decisions and actions can be reversed and don’t require extensive analysis. We appreciate calculated risk-taking. This philosophy has guided Amazon’s bold initiatives, such as AWS and Prime.

We gain insight into how these principles shape the company’s strategic choices by hearing directly from Amazon insiders.

Delivering Results and Raising the Bar:

The upward progress graph, representing Amazon's commitment to delivering results and consistently raising the bar

Amazon’s Leadership Principles, ‘Deliver Results’ and ‘Insist on the Highest Standards’, emphasize the company’s dedication to excellence and continuous improvement.

Deliver Results

‘Deliver Results’ is all about leaders achieving high-quality outcomes promptly. This principle ensures that Amazon leaders are focused on results, prioritizing outcomes over processes. Amazon’s impressive track record of delivering groundbreaking products and services like Kindle, Alexa, and AWS is a testament to this approach.

Insist on the Highest Standards

‘Insist on the Highest Standards’ encourages leaders to raise the bar consistently. This principle creates a culture of excellence at Amazon, where good enough is never sufficient. It is evident in the company’s unwavering focus on enhancing the customer experience, exemplified by faster delivery times with Prime and innovative customer-friendly return policies.

Call to Action: Applying Amazon’s 16 Leadership Principles

Consider the principles of ‘Deliver Results’ and ‘Insist on the Highest Standards’. How can you incorporate these values into your work or business? Are there areas where you could improve results or raise your standards? Reflecting on these principles helps identify growth opportunities.

Understanding and applying these principles reveals Amazon’s success and drives our professional development and business growth.


Amazon’s Leadership Principles have greatly influenced the company’s transformation into a customer-centric powerhouse. These principles, led by ‘Customer Obsession’, have shaped strategic decisions and fueled relentless innovation.

Importantly, these principles are not just theoretical guidelines. They are a blueprint for the company’s day-to-day operations, decision-making processes, and hiring practices. For example, Amazon’s interview questions are designed to evaluate how well candidates align with these principles.

Evolution of Leadership Principles

Leadership principles should be flexible; they must adapt and evolve to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing business environment. Amazon’s principles exemplify this adaptability, constantly evolving to fuel the company’s growth and customer obsession.

A Forward-Looking Perspective

Looking ahead, it’s interesting to think about how these principles may evolve with the changing business landscape. As technology advances and customer expectations rise, companies must adapt their leadership principles accordingly.

For future leaders and innovators, this means keeping up with these changes and shaping their leadership principles to anticipate future trends. It involves creating a culture of continuous learning, adaptability, and customer focus, similar to Amazon.

In conclusion, Amazon’s Leadership Principles provide valuable insights into understanding the company’s success and envisioning the future of leadership and innovation. By actively incorporating these principles into their practices, future leaders can navigate the challenges of the changing business landscape and drive sustainable growth.


What are Amazon Leadership Principles?

Amazon Leadership Principles guide Amazon leaders in making decisions and taking action. They are used as a roadmap to foster a company culture of innovation and customer-centric thinking.

How many Amazon Leadership Principles are there?

There are 16 Amazon Leadership Principles that serve as the foundation of the company’s culture and are used to hire, develop, and evaluate employees.

How do leaders create a culture of excellence at Amazon?

Leaders at Amazon create a culture of excellence by embodying and living the 16 Leadership Principles every day. They set the bar high for themselves and their teams, inspiring others to deliver them with the right quality.

What is the significance of the “Start with the Customer” leadership principle at Amazon?

The “Start with the Customer” principle emphasizes the importance of customer obsession. Leaders at Amazon work every day to create a safer, more efficient, and better experience for customers, impacting the world at large.

How do Amazon’s leadership principles contribute to higher-performing teams?

Amazon’s leadership principles contribute to higher-performing teams by setting the expectation of delivering results with a determination to make things better every day. This continual improvement fosters a culture of personal success and professional growth.

What is the role of innovation in Amazon’s leadership principles?

Innovation is a crucial aspect of Amazon’s leadership principles. Leaders at Amazon expect and require innovation and invention from their teams and always seek diverse perspectives to drive continuous improvement and forward-thinking.

How are Amazon Leadership Principles integrated into the interviewing process?

Amazon’s Leadership Principles are integral to the interviewing process and serve as a framework for evaluating candidates. Interviewers use these principles to assess how candidates embody and demonstrate leadership skills and utilize them to guide their decision-making.

What are the key principles every leader at Amazon follows?

Every leader at Amazon follows the 16 Leadership Principles, which are ingrained into the company’s culture. These principles drive decision-making, teamwork, and overall behavior in the workplace.

How do Amazon’s leadership principles contribute to creating a fun and engaging work environment?

Amazon’s leadership principles create a fun and engaging work environment by fostering a culture of high standards, operational excellence, and a relentless drive to provide customers with the best products and services. This shared commitment creates an environment where employees grow and have fun at work.

Are the Amazon Leadership Principles static, or do they evolve over time?

The Amazon Leadership Principles are not static; they evolve with the company. Amazon announced new principles in 2020, reflecting the company’s commitment to constant innovation and developing new, meaningful leadership principles to guide the organization forward.

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